Evan Seplow

Editing & 2d/3d Graphics

This short film was done on a lark for one of those “Make a film in 24 hours” competitions. And I LOVED the experience! We had to Write, Shoot, and Edit the entire film from scratch (with no prior knowledge going in what we were going to do) in that time.

Me and my team got the words “Spare Change” at midnight (Along with 50 other teams) and we scripted until 10am. We then shot until 5pm, edited and had to also have time to race downtown to deliver the finished film by hand before the next midnight!

We won. Plus this little 4+ minute film has won several other awards and has been seen in tons of film festivals.

For me (and YOU), it shows how fast I can work and accomplish in a short amount of time. Not only was there editing and sound to do, but also the effects of the couch with its green screen elements and the ending shoes which was 100% virtual.